Nov 26, 2013
This week on the PersonaCast! Persona! Xbone Launch! Carmack!
South Korea! Telltale Game of Thrones! Mario 3D World! Zelda: A
Link between Worlds! Ultra Street Fighter 4! And the boys come to
blows over Adventure Time and the Dreamcaaarrst.
Got a question for us? Send it to:
Nov 19, 2013
THE EIGHTH GENERATION IS UPON US! 100 Megashock future is now!
Talkin PS4 launch stories, mid sized studios struggles, RESOGUN!
ROSALINA! VGX and more! Our refusal to shut up about wrestling
continues, and Audi Sorlie from Wrestling With Pixels joins us!
Got a question for us? Send it to:
Nov 12, 2013
Special episode you guys! This week the friendcast welcomes
FilthieRich from Double Helix onto the show to get into some Killer
Instinct Hype! After discussing the next generation of gaming that
starts this week, we talk about the PSN Eula, the early Xbox One
shipments from Target.
Got a question for us? Send it...
Nov 5, 2013
This week in videogames! Manly tears, Resolutiongate, MGS5!!!!,
Notch rules, Zynga scums it out, Assassin's Creed Egypt? And arcade
stick compatibility? In my next gen? It's more likely than you
Got a question for us? Send it to: