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Sep 26, 2017

In which we try to unpack the enigma that is the production decisions of Marvel vs Capcom Infinite. You can watch us record the podcast live on

Outro: Boku no Hero Academia OST - HERO A

Sep 19, 2017

Dragon Ball FighterZ, Divinity Original Sin, Game of Thrones Spoilercast(3:22) and #TheBLESSINGofMattMcMuscles. You can watch us record the podcast live on

Outro: Game of Thrones Theme Song (8 Bit Remix Cover Version) - 8 Bit Universe

Sep 12, 2017

Perde pas ton temps pour comprendre cette message. Il y a rien pour vous icitte. You can watch us record the podcast live on

Outro: Street Fighter V - Ed's Theme

Sep 5, 2017

Pat attempts to PUBG, Woolie attempts to Nederlands, Matt attempts to Jason . You can watch us record the podcast live on

Outro: Cerebrawl - Rush The Front (Tac Knight Theme)