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Apr 29, 2014

Bearer of the curse, there are many dark places on the internet that one should never

go. We're talking about those NSFL places today, but really, don't do it. Don't seek

shit. Email us at superbestfriendcast -at- gmail -dot- com.

Apr 22, 2014

We try out Boss Coffee and take the Haribo challenge! We also discuss quitting Naughty Dog employees, development hell, and an amazing looking game called HOVER. Email us at superbestfriendcast at gmail dot com.

Apr 15, 2014

There's something a little different about today's must be the rain in the background. We talk about Stardust Crusaders, The Raid 2, Captain America 2, Game of Thrones [no spoilers] and a bunch of new game announcments, direct, to you!
Email us at superbestfriendcast at gmail dot com.

Apr 8, 2014

WEBM is the official file format of pimp ass beast dogs. If you even THOUGHT about posting a GIF just now, get out of my face. Email us at superbestfriendcast at gmail dot com.

Apr 1, 2014

Special episode! We start with the essentials of game news, add a dash of Infamous, Titanfall, JRPGS, and Capcom, and then follows through with strong finish: The long awaited Kill la Kill spoilercast is here!