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Sep 25, 2018

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TierZoo joins us and shares his YouTube origins! Tons to say about DMC5 news! Telltale bites the dust, but everyone forgot about Capcom Vancouver. You can watch us record the podcast live on

Outro: Devil May Cry 3 - Divine Hate

  1. Celebrated studio...

Sep 18, 2018

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Everyone's playing Spider-Man! Everyone loves Spider-Man! We're talking about Spider-Man! Eat a dick, we want LEOPARDON. You can watch us record the podcast live on

Outro: Marvel vs Capcom 3 - Trish

  1. Animal Crossing announced for Switch
  2. Luigi’s...

Sep 11, 2018

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Montreal's Phazon level corruption can't be stopped, so let's play Mini Gorf. You can watch us record the podcast live on

Outro: Persona 3 - Mass Destruction

  1. Yakuza studio announces Project Judge for PS4
  2. Crystal Chronicles Remastered

Sep 4, 2018

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Matt makes some critical life choices in Florida. You can watch us record the podcast live on

Outro: The Messenger Soundtrack - Disc I_ The Past [8-Bit]

  1. Cyberpunk 2077 Gameplay Reveal From CD PROJEKT Red
  2. Onimusha: Warlords coming to PS4, Xbox One,...